udah gak pernah kita jalanin, biar apa sih? Mingkin itu pertanyaan yang muncul di benak sobat, dan jawabannya tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah agar kinerja komputer kita bisa lebih cepat dan kapasitas harddisk juga jadi lebih agak berkurang jadi tambah banyak lagi deh kapasitas harddisk kita! Ialah, orang yang menuh-menuhin aja udah diusir! hehe
Kalau dari interface, Total Uninstall 5.5.0 memiliki desain/tampilan yang paling bagus diantara software-software sejenis. Saya aja baru pertama nyoba ni software, kayanya bakalan beralih ke Total Uninstall 5.5.0
Banyak sumber yang mengatakan kalo diantara software-software sejenis, Total Uninstall 5.5.0 ini yang memiliki kinerja fitur yang paling bagus.
Features :
- Accurate analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes
- Monitor changes from registry and file system for new installations
- Completely and thoroughly uninstall analyzed or monitored programs
- List without delay installed or monitored programs and with appropriate icons
- Organize in groups installed or monitored programs
- Find the program to uninstall by keyword quickly and easily
- Summary and detailed information for each installed or monitored program
- User configurable views of the detected changes
- Detailed uninstall log
- Powerful search in detected changes
- Stand alone and low resource usage agent for notification of running installation programs
- Export registry changes for install or uninstall
- Export installed or monitored programs list to file
- Export to file or print detected changes
- View and apply pending file rename operations without restart
- Multi-language interface
- +Revised program interface implementation (uses fewer resources, is faster, better integration with the operating system interface).
- + Color schemes for main program interface (Blue, Silver, Black etc).
- * System snapshots are saved compressed at 20% from the uncompressed size.
- + New lists for Protected folders and Protected keys to protect the monitored shared locations.
- * Several improvements in the installation analyzer.
- + Create the backup for a program.
- + Restore the program from backup.
- + Backup automatically the uninstalled program (optional).
- * Revised default program settings.
- * Improvements in the uninstall process.
- + Edit action to redo registry change.
- * Open action for folders uses the default handler.
- * Renaming the monitored program will rename the log file name.
- ! Specific fixes for Windows 2000.
- + Bulgarian interface translation.
- + Option to auto select all items in "Delete items ?" uninstall dialog.
NB : Software Total Uninstall 5.5.0 ini sudah full versi biarpun tidak menggunakan serial number. (Serial sudah dimasukan dalam paket installer)

Klik Tombol Berikut:
Jangan asal Copy Paste! Jika ingin copy paste artikel Total Uninstall 5.5.0 Full Version, harap sertakan URL berikut http://gudanggratisku.blogspot.com/2010/02/total-uninstall-550-full-version.html
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